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Make Stuff: DigiCamp Stockport

This event has now ended.

Intro - you are invited


这次会议的主题是-艺术,科技的融合 & community: Redefining the possible...

What is an unconference?


当人们意识到对话发生在预定的会谈之外时,“非会议”的概念就出现了, between attendees themselves, 比“专家”演讲者在舞台上说的更有趣吗. 这是因为传统会议往往受到主办机构议程的高度影响. An unconference is different. 会议没有基本议程,也没有预定的发言人. 与会者组成会议,讨论他们真正感兴趣的话题.

作为斯托克波特数码夏令营的参与者,你也是一个潜在的演讲者. 你可能会带着准备好的演讲来,主题是你选择的,或者在当天想到一些事情——通常来自于对话或其他参加的演讲. You don’t even have to present a traditional talk; you could facilitate a discussion, bring people together to form a panel, showcase a project you have worked on, or run an interactive workshop. 所有的课程都是30分钟,但除此之外,没有任何规则……

What will happen on the day?

斯托克波特数码夏令营将以一个介绍环节开始, 在此期间,我们将把所有人聚集在一起,概述这一天的工作方式.

Once the event begins, we’ll open up ‘the grid’, 每个想要进行会议的参与者将他们的会议建议写在便利贴上,然后将其弹出到房间/时间段. 全天将有三个房间可供选择,有十个时间段可供选择,所以总共有30个会议可供选择!

With three sessions happening simultaneously, 您可以在每个时间段选择您想参加的课程. 如果你参加了一个会议,结果发现它没有你想象的有趣, you can leave and attend a different session. Unconferences的工作原则是“用脚投票”,,并鼓励与会者尽可能多地走动,以最大限度地利用活动.

At the end of the day, 我们让大家聚在一起分享见解, 从参加的会议中得到的思考和未来计划.

unconference将传统会议的一切平凡之处彻底颠覆. DigiCamp Stockport承诺让会议重新充满乐趣, 培养新的关系,激发突破性的想法.


We’ll provide pastries on arrival, a buffet lunch with sweet treats and fruit, tea, coffee and cold drinks throughout the day. 请务必在预订时列出任何饮食限制,以确保这些饮食得到满足.

Who is it for?

DigiCamp Stockport旨在团结艺术人士, culture, technology, education and community sectors. 我们的存在是为了创造一个促进对话的空间, 那些热衷于分享想法的人之间的合作和创新, 向同行学习,模糊艺术和科技之间的界限.

Why you should come

如果你曾经和一位与会者进行了一次精彩的谈话,但却被你正在参加的活动打断了, then this is the event for you. 在活动安排的演讲者之外,与会者之间的对话最为重要. DigiCamp Stockport将这些对话带到事件的最前沿,并为您提供, the attendee, the power to shape the day.

Other info

这次活动是由MadLab的Claire Wicher组织的. 克莱尔是一位经验丰富的数字教育工作者和活动经理, 他为人们提供了近十年的创意数字培训,并在2014年至2017年期间运营了全球最大的博彩平台BarCamp.

Register your place:

This event is free to attend. We charge a £3 booking fee, which can be refunded on attending the event, or, if you prefer, you can leave it as a donation to MadLab CIC. 如果预订费用是一个障碍,请联系 to book your place.

DigiCamp Stockport is not just an event; it's a movement towards a more participatory, collaborative, and innovative digital future. 在你的日历上做上标记,准备参加会议,在那里你的声音会影响谈话. 对于每一个参与社区组织的人来说,这是一个不可错过的机会, the creative arts, and the digital creation sphere to come together, inspire, and be inspired. Don't miss out!

26 April 2024 9:30 - 16:30
Venues @ Cornerstone
2 Edward Street Stockport SK1 3NQ United Kingdom
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